Some Lessons from Writing for the #TwitterFiction Festival.

569 tweets.

That’s how many tweets I’ll be popping out from eight Twitter accounts on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week for the #TwitterFiction Festival.

From 6 – 7 PM AEST each day, I’ll be telling the story of Qan and The Mentor. I’ve been writing the story whilst on holiday without my trusty laptop, and it’s certainly been a challenging experience. Since some of you may consider writing fiction on Twitter in the future, I thought I’d share a few things I’ve learnt from this experience.

1. Keep it simple. I’m using several accounts to tweet this story, since it includes flashbacks. This has produced a number of challenges for me, including making sure I have a profile picture for each character, as well as background information and motivations. Keep it simple – one or two accounts max!

2. Hashtags eat up your (text) characters. I’m using #TheLastLesson for my story – combined with #TwitterFiction I’m using up 29 of my precious 160 characters to get my hashtags on. Think about the length of your tags – make sure they’re unique and not too long. On reflection, I’d shorten mine a touch.

3. Get ready to be concise. I should have written my original tweets with a measure of how long they were. I had to edit around 1/4 of my tweets as I did my final edit because they were too long. The key is to be concise: I found the biggest challenge to be avoiding repitition in my tweets as I had only a 130 characters to work with.

Those are my original thoughts – I’m sure I’ll have more once my story goes live. Watch it unfold on my Twitter List or on my Twitter account in two days’ time!

One response to “Some Lessons from Writing for the #TwitterFiction Festival.”

  1. […] a total of 600 tweets telling the story of one of my characters from the Empire. I already wrote a preliminary list of things I learned during the process of writing my story last week, and today I’m going to get more in-depth […]

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